Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Cara Memperbaiki Layar Biru Atau Blue Screen .How to fix blue screen.

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Komputer layar biru? Komputer tiba-tiba berhenti atau "beku"? Sepertinya ada masalah pada saat komputer Anda ketika pemindaian hard drive. Berikut adalah cara untuk memperbaiki bad sector di harddisk:
> Masih dalam sistem Windows, klik menu sistem> Mulai masih di Windows, klik start menu
> Klik 'Komputer' atau langsung ke drive C
> Jika Anda harus drive C, klik kanan pada kata-kata "Drive C, yang adalah drive utama komputer
> Di menu pull down, pilih "Properties, yang terletak di bagian bawah
> Klik "Tools pada menu atas, tab kedua.
> Klik "Check Now bawah 'Error Memeriksa, maka proses akan dimulai.
> Menu lain akan muncul ketika Anda mengklik pada "Pindai dan upaya pemulihan sektor buruk
> Klik Start "
> Setelah di-klik, maka akan muncul menu lain. Klik "Jadwal periksa disk
> Kembali ke jendela utama, klik "OK
> Restart komputer, dan proses pemeriksaan bad sector hard drive akan dimulai.


Computer blue screen? Computer stops suddenly or "freeze"? It seems there are problems at the time your computer when scanning hard drives. Here's how to fix bad sectors on my hard drive:
> Still in the system of Windows, click Start menu> system is still in Windows, click start menu
> Click 'Computer' or directly to drive C
> If you had to drive C, right click on the words "Drive C, which is the main drive of computer
> In the pull down menu, select "Properties, located at the bottom
> Click "Tools on the top menu, the second tab.
> Click "Check Now under 'Error Checking, then the process will begin.
> Another menu will appear when you are clicking on the "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors
> Click the "Start
> Once in-click, then another menu will appear. Click "Schedule disk check
> Back to the main window, click "OK
> Restart the computer, and the process of checking bad sectors hard drive will begin.

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