Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

7 Dollar Secrets - Is Selling Low Ticket Items The Ticket?

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The 7 Dollar Secrets domain was registered on Jan 22, 2007 by Jonathan Leger. There's a big controversy circulating among gurus whether to sell low or high ticket items. These controversies relate to several factors. One argument for high ticket products is that they don't convert as well but over all they convert better since you get paid so much for just one customer. The argument for low ticket products is that they convert much higher since it's a no brainer to sell someone something for $7.00 or $14.95, etc.

The truth is that both ideologies have merit. However in 7 Dollar Secrets, Jonathan Leger specifically teaches you how to sell products for $7.00 and how to sell a lot of them. Imagine if you just sold 4 of these per day. That would be $28.00 per day or $840 per month. If you had a good product in a hungry market this would be consistent and could easily pay your rent each month just with one product. But what if you have a few like this with Clickbank Affiliate Programs? The profits can really start to add up.

Jonathan Leger shows screenshots to prove he's made massive small ticket sales within one day before. I have as well, and it's a great feeling to see a sale come in almost every time you refresh your page. He believes that gurus out there charge a great deal of money for their warez, and pass off the notion that if you don't buy into what they are doing you aren't going to make it marketing on the web. Many people have fallen prey to this idea that if you don't latch onto a big guru your days in marketing are numbered.<

The 7 Dollar Secrets Sales Letter uses the analogy of going to McDonalds for a Happy Meal verses buying a new $1000 computer. Which is more effortless and which takes more thought? The reason is no one gets their hair in a bind when they buy something for a few bucks. But on the other hand if you purchase an expensive Internet Marketing Course, like 4 payments of $297 for example, you really have to think about it first.

What 7 Dollar Secrets focus on is selling small informational reports at a price point of just $7.00 over and over. The sales letter on the site isn't long at all. Included with this program is software that you can use to track your sales and also manage your affiliates you recruit. Jonathan Leger also offers a 14 day no questions guarantee.

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