Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

The Art Of Building Traffic Through Repeat Visitors

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When most of us think about building new traffic, we think about getting new people to our website that have never been there before. The fact of the matter is, however, it is not always necessary to find brand-new people in order to build your traffic substantially. As a matter of fact, you can build a lot of additional traffic using existing customers in a number of different ways. Not only can they offer you the traffic that will build up your numbers on their own, they are also a source of advertising that you may never have tapped into before.

First of all, the people that are already visiting your website are going to be warmed up to you and they are going to trust you to a certain extent. If you continue to provide them with good information that they are looking for, you would be surprised what exactly how many repeat visitors you are able to receive. This is especially the case whenever you have a blog, as many people like to follow what is being written on a blog over the course of time.

You can also capture the e-mails of these individuals by offering them something in return, such as a free report or perhaps a piece of software. Whenever you give them an incentive to sign up, you would be surprised at how readily they will do so. Considering the fact that they are also part of your existing traffic, the trust issue will not have to be breached in order for you to get them to fill out their email address in the subscribe box. This will give you the opportunity to continue to market to them on a continual basis and to invite them back your website regularly.

You can also use your existing traffic and those that are visiting you regularly as a form of advertising. If you can convince them to tell other people about your website, you would be surprised with how many new visitors you are able to receive as a result. As a matter of fact, this method can be rather viral and the more people you get to your website, the more you will continue to receive. I find that a good way to do this is to simply ask people to recommend you, perhaps even giving them incentive to do so. Keep it on the honor system, and many of those individuals will honor and respect that system.

Finally, the people that have already purchased from you in the past are the ones that are going to purchase from you readily in the future. It is not always necessary for you to go out and find new people to buy your products, as a matter of fact you have a ready audience available at any time you like. Simply continue to offer them good information and whenever you have a new product available, announce it through your website or email newsletter. You would be surprised with how quickly they will respond when you work your website traffic in this way.

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