Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

What Rfid Is Doing For Warehouses

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Recent advancements in RFID technology have made it a useful and affordable part of warehouse management software. With the introduction of tags that can be mounted on metal in 2008, one of the final barriers was overcome. It seems that the "next generation" is here.

The term "smart stores" is used to describe next generation retail establishments. There are already several of these stores in operation. In order for your wholesale products to be sold in these establishments, the items must have a radio frequency identification tag.

The stores are set up to monitor every item that comes into the receiving dock and every item that goes out of the store. With the appropriate security system in place, employees are alerted when an item has not been paid for. This should virtually eliminate shoplifting.

They are called smart stores because they require fewer employees. The customer is the cashier. But, instead of scanning barcodes as they do at a self-checkout in other establishments, the radio frequency ID tags are read. The readers are more accurate at longer distances. They are also much easier to use than barcode scanners.

If you own a wholesale business, your warehouse management software must be ready for the future. It is "truly" just around the corner. Some retailers have already notified their vendors that they must switch to RFID tags if they want to keep their contracts.

The US government has contacted their vendors about making the change. Extensions were granted as companies like ODIN worked to improve the technology. You can expect that the extensions will expire very soon now.

You might be concerned that the cost of the latest warehouse management software will be too high or that RFID tags cost too much. There is really no need to worry.

The cost of the tags has come down as the technology has improved and their popularity has increased. Programs compatible with the technology cost no more than older systems.

In the long run, your company cannot afford to be without the technology. It will eventually become a requirement for doing business around the world.

Warehouses find that the costs of the programs are quickly recovered by reduced losses and improvements in efficiency. Inventory tracking and recording becomes easier. There are fewer "out-of-stock" items, because the scanners accurately record outgoing items. The systems can even be designed to automatically reorder popular products.

In other words, the latest warehouse management software will help increase your profits. RFID tagging is just one of the new developments. Consult your designer about others.

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