Senin, 04 April 2011

Marco Calasan (english & Indonesia)

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Marco Calasan Is a ......
Marco Calasan Adalah...

Marco calasan adalah seorang anak berusia 9 tahun yang menjadi Insyinyur Microsoft termuda.
Marco calasan adalah Liat di bawah.

I liked something about knowledge. Especially about kids education. You can find my several hubs about education topic. Learning comes from nature. But the important thing is how to educate children, so they felt comfort in study. We life in modern era, where we can find high technology around us. This time is totally different with my age, where I could learn computer since I was Senior High School. But now we can find many younger age, like kids mastered in computer and they can operate the computer correctly.
Through this hub I want to share about talented young boy, maybe some people said that this young boy was genius. His name is Marco Calasan, nine years old from Skopja, Macedonia. With his age right now, he became the world's youngest Microsoft Certified System. He has remarkable achievement. This little boy has four Microsoft Certified. He also wrote a book about Microsoft Window 7. We can't imagine that he can write 312 pages in his book. As we know that Microsoft is the leading brand and leading company for software industry.

He got the first Certified from Microsoft at six years old. This is an amazing achievement for the kid at his age. Most people said this is the difficult degree to achieved even for a computer engineer. Marco also worked as an information system controller for nonprofit institution to help people with disabilities. He also taught computer knowledge in English using video streaming. The Government of Macedonia allow his not attend to the school every day. "I like go to school, but I can't go every day, the lesson to easy for me, but I get something new over there" said Marco.
Marco Calasan is a student of Blaze Koneski. Like other kids he has a long curly hair and always smiling. He looks cute. He said that he was not special and has a big gift. "Like other kids, I'll forget all the knowledge about computer in my head when I played with my friend", said Marco. He can speak three languages fluently and now he is studying the forth foreign language. 
Professor Elena Achkovska-Leshkovska, from the Institute of Psychology, Skopje had done some test for Calasan when he was seven years old. The professor said that Calasan brain work as a twelve year old kid. He has high emotional and social level, a great gift for the kids like Calasan. 

The government asked him to give a presentation about the IPTV system. He also created IPTV (Internet Protocol Television) program. He explained how to stream high quality video to the whole of Macedonia and provide the services also. I found something interesting here, because every time she talked something, "Microsoft" word always appears in every conversation. I think he has been obsessed by the creation of Bill Bates, the founder of Microsoft. Actually he has dream, "I want to go to the United States, a place where I will get all the technical sources", said Marco.
During the interview time, like the interview by CNN, he always accompanied by his mother, Radica. She was very proud with Marco. Last month, Radica was detected breast cancer. She stayed in hospital for a week to undergo surgical removal of tumors. After arrived at home, he had printed 200 pages about healing of breast cancer. This information also contains the diet for his mother. With the big hope his mother will total cured

Marco Idol

I think we all know that computer is part of our life right now, most of us can't separated by computer. Like in the office, home work for student even internet connection. I hope this hub become our inspiration and for the kids Marco can give them new spirit or motivation to learn much more about computer technology. My next hub I want to write about computer education for kids. So wait and see. Thank you very much. 
A colorful mural runs along the outside the Blaze Koneski public school in Macedonia, but it's been vandalized by graffiti artists who spray their tags all over the school.
There are metal bars on the windows and the building itself is run down and dilapidated. We are here to interview a "child prodigy" for CNN's i-List Macedonia.
Marco Calasan is the youngest Microsoft systems engineer in the world, holds four Microsoft certificates and has written a 312-page book on Microsoft's Windows 7.

As we enter the classroom a young boy with a warm smile and dark, curly shoulder length hair pulled back in a ponytail, extends his hand and introduces himself.
Marco is just nine years old; he's an only child and a computer genius. He takes us on a tour of the school computer lab, as if it were his home. Marco only lives across the road but spends endless hours in here working away each day, well and truly after the school bell has rung.
Asked why he loves computers so much, Marco responds sagely that, "with knowledge, everything is possible." He goes on to give a detailed explanation of IPTV - the content delivery network system that he set up all by himself.
With his sweet, innocent voice, Marco explains how he streams high quality video throughout Macedonia and even provides a service for the country's disabled.
Throughout the conversation, the word "Microsoft" peppers every single sentence and it becomes clear this child is obsessed with Bill Gates' creation.
And while you'd think his impressive resume at such a young age would give him the right to be precocious, Marco is the complete opposite.
He's humble, friendly and so very patient as I ask him to repeat and re-explain the computer jargon that flies over my head.
I ask whether he sees himself as special and gifted. He tells me he's just a regular kid, and forgets that he has all this knowledge in his head when he plays with his friends.
But Marco is anything but normal. He speaks three languages and is learning a fourth and while English is not his mother tongue, his command of the language and vocabulary is mind-boggling. In finite detail he explains the ins and outs of computers and the curriculum he's teaching his peers and adults. He even educates his own teachers.
Later this month he's going to Montenegro where the government has asked him to give a presentation on his IPTV system.
 Di usia masih belia, Marco Calasan, 9, memiliki prestasi luar biasa. Bocah jenius asal Macedonia ini merupakan insinyur sistem Microsoft termuda di dunia. Ia memegang empat sertifikat Microsoft dan menulis buku 312 halaman tentang Microsoft’s Windows 7. Microsoft adalah perangkat lunak komputer paling terkenal di dunia.

Marco CalasanPada usia enam tahun, Marco Calasan mendapatkan pengakuan sistem administrasi pertamanya dari Microsoft, gelar yang sulit didapat bahkan oleh seorang insinyur komputer yang ahli.
Pemerintah Macedonia pun mengizinkannya untuk tidak datang ke sekolah secara rutin. Saat ini Marco bekerja sebagai pengendali sistem administrasi di sebuah lembaga non-profit yang membantu orang-orang cacat. Ia juga mengajar pengetahuan komputer dalam bahasa Inggris menggunakan streaming video.


Marco Calasan
 bersekolah di SD Blaze Koneski di Macedonia. Seperti bocah lainnya, ia memiliki senyum khas anak-anak. Ia berambut keriting panjang sebahu yang dikuncirnya.

Calasan kini menciptakan program IPTV, yaitu sistem jaringan pengiriman. Ia juga menjelaskan bagaimana ia bisa mengalirkan video kualitas tinggi ke seluruh Macedonia dan menyediakan jasa layanannya. Saat berbicara, kata “Microsoft” selalu muncul dalam setiap kalimatnya, sekaligus menegaskan jika bocah ini terobsesi dengan kreasi Bill Gates, pendiri Microsoft.

Usia yang muda ternyata tak membuat Calasan menjadi sosok yang tidak sabaran. Ia justru tidak seperti bocah-bocah seusianya yang temperamental. Ia ramah, tenang dan mau menjelaskan kembali istilah-istilah komputer yang rumit.

Calasan tidak memandang dirinya sebagai bocah yang spesial dan diberi bakat luar biasa. “Saya hanyalah anak-anak biasa seperti yang lainnya. Saat saya bermain dengan teman-teman, saya akan melupakan seluruh pengetahuan mengenai komputer dari kepala saya,” ujarnya sembari tersenyum.

Calasan bisa berbicara dengan tiga bahasa, termasuk Inggris dengan fasih, dan saat ini tengah mempelajari bahasa asing keempat.

Profesor Elena Achkovska-Leshkovska dari Institut Psikologi di Skopje, pernah melakukan tes pada Calasan ketika ia berusia tujuh tahun. Ia menemukan jika otak Calasan beroperasi seperti bocah di atas usia 12 tahun, yang memiliki tingkat emosional dan sosial yang tinggi. Sebuah anugerah yang jarang ditemukan pada anak-anak seusianya.

Selama Calasan diwawancarai CNN, ibunya, Radica menemaninya dengan setia. Ibu muda ini dengan bangga melihat aktivitas putranya.

Bulan lalu, Radica divonis menderita kanker payudara. Ia tinggal selama seminggu di rumah sakit guna menjalani operasi pengangkatan tumor. Dan setibanya di rumah, Calasan telah mencetak lebih dari 200 halaman mengenai informasi pengobatan kanker payudara dan diet makanan yang harus dijalani Radica agar sembuh total.

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